by Ellen Stumbo | Confessions, Disability
It happens, a kid plays with a child with a disability and the parents are proud, they want to praise that friendship and you might hear statements like, “Oh honey, you are so wonderful!” “You are the kindest person I know!” “You are the sweetest thing!” “You have a...
by Ellen Stumbo | Confessions, Disability, Parenting
It happens in the life of almost every parent who has a child with a disability, at some point we share a concern with a friend over what our child is doing — or not doing — and we’re met with the well intentioned, “Don’t worry about it,...
by Ellen Stumbo | Cerebral Palsy, Confessions, Disability, Down Syndrome, Parenting
Like comic books with floating bubbles showing what people say, I sometimes feel as if my girls were walking around with little floating bubbles that tout, “Down syndrome” or, ‘”cerebral palsy.” I really wish those little bubbles could...
by Ellen Stumbo | Cerebral Palsy, Confessions, Disability, Down Syndrome
Excitement is muddled with fear as a new school-year approaches. I’m ready for some quiet around the house but I have two kids with special needs and the back to school terrifies me. My youngest has Down syndrome and she thrives on routine. We had Kindergarten...
by Ellen Stumbo | Confessions, Parenting
My oldest was two years old when I discovered the vastness of expectations I had placed on her. A discovery brought to light with the birth of her baby sister, who greeted us with an extra chromosome, a diagnosis of Down syndrome. A baby that without warning...
by Ellen Stumbo | Confessions, Disability, Faith, Pastor's Wife
I consider it an honor to be a pastor’s wife. It is a privilege to be allowed into people’s lives: their hurt, pain, devastation, joy, celebration, transformation. This Church, this body of Christ – with all of its broken pieces along with its many...