Life with disability

Life with disability

I pushed a grocery cart, and behind me three little girls followed close by, each pushing a customer in training cart. We were the perfect display of a mother duck being followed by her little ducklings. We got smiles, waves, and many comments, “Looks like you...
The Prince Who Was Just Himself: A Review

The Prince Who Was Just Himself: A Review

As soon as I saw the hero in the children’s story, “The Prince Who Was Just Himself,” is a young boy with Down syndrome, I jumped at the opportunity to receive a free copy in exchange for my honest review. My youngest daughter has Down syndrome, so I...
I Wish I Had Known

I Wish I Had Known

This is a guest post by Kathy McClelland for a summer series highlighting great bloggers who focus on disability. I remember diagnosis day like it was yesterday. I remember anxiously sitting in a sterile NICU conference room listening to a geneticist tell me,...