5 Things About Disability Everyone Should Know

5 Things About Disability Everyone Should Know

A few years ago a friend of mine designed a t-shirt that read, “Don’t DIS my ability.” I have a daughter with cerebral palsy and one with Down syndrome, so I got the t-shirts for my girls because the sentiment is true, they each have great abilities. I don’t want...
Motherhood Unexpected

Motherhood Unexpected

Some women become mothers unexpectedly because motherhood was not part of their plan. But even when you plan to become a mother, once you actually hold that baby in your arms so much of motherhood is unexpected. No matter how motherhood comes to you, the unexpected...
You’re Not a Failure

You’re Not a Failure

“I feel like such a failure, I mean, I’m trying to do everything I can to get services for my son but I’m not getting anywhere. His behaviors are getting so challenging. It’s just been…hard. My house is a mess, I forgot to pay for a school field trip, we ran out of...