by Ellen Stumbo | Disability
A few years ago a friend of mine designed a t-shirt that read, “Don’t DIS my ability.” I have a daughter with cerebral palsy and one with Down syndrome, so I got the t-shirts for my girls because the sentiment is true, they each have great abilities. I don’t want...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
I wonder how many mothers will wake up Sunday morning to breakfast in bed, homemade cards, hugs and kisses, and eating out so mom does not have to cook. And a special gift, you know, like a new appliance or a piece of jewelry. As a special needs mom, sometimes my life...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
Some women become mothers unexpectedly because motherhood was not part of their plan. But even when you plan to become a mother, once you actually hold that baby in your arms so much of motherhood is unexpected. No matter how motherhood comes to you, the unexpected...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
I never thought I would become a parent of a child with a disability. When people asked, “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” Like many expecting parents, I responded with the cliché, “I don’t care, for as long as my baby is healthy.” Healthy, for me, also meant...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
“I feel like such a failure, I mean, I’m trying to do everything I can to get services for my son but I’m not getting anywhere. His behaviors are getting so challenging. It’s just been…hard. My house is a mess, I forgot to pay for a school field trip, we ran out of...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
Dear parent of a child with a disability, Some people will never get what it is like to walk in our shoes. No matter how many times we try to explain our situation, our child, the challenges our family has to face – no matter how many details we share –...