by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Sandra People for Down syndrome awareness month, where she answered the question, “How has your sister with Down syndrome enriched your life?” In late December of 1977, a baby was born in a small town in...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome, Parenting
My mother always told me it was better to be smart than to be beautiful. “If you are smart, eventually you will be able to afford to be beautiful.” A successful career could result in an abundance of money that could buy the right clothes, find the perfect haircut and...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome, Faith
A woman terminated her pregnancy because her baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome, she believed she was doing the merciful thing, preventing her son from suffering due to his diagnosis. She grieved for her baby and held a funeral for him. I believe she was terrified...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: Today I have the great pleasure and honor to share with you a guest post by my oldest daughter (at eight years old). It is Down syndrome awareness month, and she’s talking about what it’s like for her to have a sister with Down...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
I cannot count how many times I’ve heard people say, “I could never do it,” when referring to raising children with disabilities. It’s funny, because they often say this when referencing my life, as if my children were difficult, too much work...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Faith, Parenting
I know your worried thoughts, the ones that keep you up at night lulling you to sleep, the thoughts that sometimes accuse you as you parent your child with disabilities: Could I do more? Am I enough? Maybe if I could get my child to try the new therapy – the...