by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Mardra Sikora for a summer series highlighting great bloggers who focus on disability. Marcus Lives with Us The first thing you should know is this: Marcus lives with us, not because he has to but because we want to live...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Faith
When my daughter was born with Down syndrome I felt devastated about her diagnosis. I cried constantly, and I struggled to find hope as I pictured our lives in the days, months, and years to come. One night, as I climbed into bed, I turned to my husband who was ready...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
One of the first thoughts that crossed my mind when my daughter was born with Down syndrome was, “Will she live with us forever?” When my oldest was born, a typical baby girl, those thoughts would have felt so…outrageous! I mean, who thinks about...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability
Applause, everyone. Bravo, bravissimo! Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs! Psalm 47:1 (The Message) My son Joel, who has autism, loves to dance. He’s a study in joy on the dance floor—arms flailing, feet shuffling, eyes shining. Joy bubbles up in my veins as I...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability
I had an aunt with a disability. She had a big head, a small body, she used a wheelchair, and the hair on her chin tickled my face when I had to kiss her. I was scared of her. “Don’t stare at her, it’s rude! Look away!” I wanted to stare. I was...
by Ellen Stumbo | Down Syndrome
Search engine term #1: Are mothers of kids with Down syndrome embarrassed? Once in a while I like to look at the search engine terms (SETs) that bring people to my website. Some are funny, some are ridiculous, some reflect real pain and loss, some make me wonder the...