by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Podcast
The typical siblings have unique life experiences because of having a brother or sister with a disability. In today’s podcast for Unexceptional Moms we interviewed our kids, who are the typical siblings. they range in age from 11 to 17 and have different...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability
I spoke at a Christian Women’s Conference last weekend. There were more than 600 women in attendance and as statistics would suggest, there were several women who parent kids with disabilities. We connected, we shared, we laughed, we cried together. Every time I...
by Ellen Stumbo | Down Syndrome, Podcast
Every year on 3/21 we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day because there are three copies of the 21st chromosome. My daughter is 9 years old and Down syndrome is something in her I cherish. I didn’t always feel that way, and I did not always understand why Down...
by Ellen Stumbo | Confessions, Disability, Parenting
Some challenges are hard to write about because they expose the raw we carry inside. But sometimes we have to talk about what it is like parenting in the trenches — whatever that means for you — because what I am writing here is about you, the parent, and...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
All children are a blessing. I don’t believe there’s an exception to that statement, which means kids with disabilities are as much of a blessing as if they didn’t have a disability. One is not better than the other. Different? Yes. More challenging? Sometimes. But a...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Tonia Christle from Tonia Says on IEPs (Individualized Education Plan). I asked her to write about IEPs from the perspective of an adult with a disability who grew up having IEPs. Imagine that you have just started your...