Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to Linda Aalderink. Linda is an author with a newly released book. I asked her if she would share a guest post about her book and her writing, and she gracefully accepted. So without further ado, I leave you with the first guest post here on this site!
Writing a book in many ways is comparable to giving birth. For months and months, well actually years in my case, this work has been in process. First the stirring God put in my heart to share the story of our son who was born with Down syndrome with the hope of encouraging other families similar to ours. Through these years, I continued to read about “advances” in medical technology which is resulting in a blood test for pregnant women to give a definitive diagnosis of whether or not the baby she is carrying has an extra chromosome. Currently, 90% of these definitive diagnoses end tragically for the baby.
My motivation and direction was clear, yet I didn’t know anything about writing a book. But I pressed on, attending writing and publishing conferences, reading books, and following other writers’ blogs. I learned everything I could, and all the while God continued to lead and fling open doors that I never dreamed would open. One step at a time.
Then this past October, the birth! I cried when I held the first real book. It’s definitely not as cute and cuddly as a newborn baby, but it was still a sweet moment. I named the book:
Immeasurably More
More Hope, More Joy
Embracing Life with Down Syndrome
Here is what I can tell you about this “newborn.” Immeasurably More shares anecdotes from our family’s life together and is interspersed with personal observations and accounts from Zach’s siblings, friends, teachers and coaches. It is an honest, humorous and poignant real-life story that hopefully will touch your heart.
Our crazy world today would want us to believe that people who are born less than “perfect” have little or no real value. The truth is, though, that what the world sees as “disposable” God sees as having great value. God assures us of a definite purpose and a plan for each of His children, including those – and perhaps especially those – whose life package includes “special needs.” Psalm 139:16
Often in the Bible we find that God uses the “least of these” to do His work, demonstrate His love, and provide the rest of us an avenue for expressing our own love. Immeasurably More is a heartfelt story of our family’s journey, a journey that showcases the amazing impact one person with Down syndrome can have. You will see how God used Zach to transform a family, a school and even a community.
It has been an honor and privilege to be Zach’s mom. He is now 26 years old and lives in an apartment in a nearby town. I am blessed that God chose me to be his mom, really I do. Has the journey always been a piece of cake? Absolutely not! Would I change a thing about who God made him to be? Absolutely not! Several years ago when our daughter was just a young teenager she commented, “Everybody needs a Zach in their life!” I couldn’t agree more. My prayer for you today is that you will see your children as the unique, wonderful creation God has made them to be and take your journey one step at a time.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen Ephesians 3:20-21
Advice to other writers: Follow God and leave the outcome of your writing up to Him.

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