I suffer form depraved indifference, and so do you. It is not that we don’t care, we care. But we go to bed and we sleep just fine. There are other lives around us, but they are not directly related to ours, they are not directly affecting our lives. But one night I saw her face across a computer screen, and I knew I was looking at my child. I would go to the ends of the earth to get her.
A few years ago I stumbled upon this video from Eric Ludy, “Depraved Indifference.” I cannot watch it without breaking down and crying for a couple of reasons. First, it speaks to me as a special needs parent as I fight for my children with disabilities. Second, and most important, it speaks to me as an adoptive mom. So every year on orphan Sunday I watch it again to remind myself of my deprived indifference, because I have it, because I can easily remove myself from the hurt that happens around me. Today is Orphan Sunday.
And I want my heart to beat in tune to God’s heart. I want my heart to break for the things that break His heart. I want to answer to His call, His voice.
Eric Ludy says:
This world applauds and esteems the wealthy and the powerful and the privileged and the talented. That is not how God’s system works.
The special ones in God’s kingdom are the weaklings. The ones who can’t fight for themselves, the ones who can’t speak for themselves, the ones that don’t have someone to feed them, the ones that don’t have someone to protect them. And Jesus says, “Those are the prized ones and you treat them as the royalty here on earth. And the way you treat them is ultimately the way you are treating me.“
Christianity is taking what has been purchased by the Cross, the behavior of heaven, the nature of Jesus Christ and transplanting it into the heart of men and women here on earth.
It’s noble. It’s brave. It’s courageous. It’s selfless. It is willing to fend themselves for the weak.
We have a cause, but we don’t want to see it.
Do you suffer from depraved indifference?
This video will move you, grab a tissue, and then let’s talk. What is your cause?
Special Needs Parents, Are You Surviving?
I created a guide with 13 practical ways to help you find peace in the midst of chaos, opt in to make sure you get a copy of this freebie!
It makes me weep every time. Such a powerful and painful reminder of my own depraved indifference. Such an opportunity to fall on my knees and declare, “Yes, Lord. Move me!” Thank you for this!
Tare, me too!
… thank you….