by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Podcast
The typical siblings have unique life experiences because of having a brother or sister with a disability. In today’s podcast for Unexceptional Moms we interviewed our kids, who are the typical siblings. they range in age from 11 to 17 and have different...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Ellie Stumbo, my daughter, for a summer series highlighting writers who focus on disability. This essay was published in the anthology, “Anything But Ordinary.” I was playing at church after a service when mom...
by Ellen Stumbo | Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Ashlyn Klinkradt. Ashlyn s 12 years old and she wrote this poem about her brother, David, who has Down syndrome. As I Do – by Ashely Klinkradt Do you see him as I do? With a smile on his face. Or is he too different...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Parenting
Dear Teacher, On my daughter’s birthday a few weeks ago, our family sat on the living room floor before she opened her presents and we all shared one thing about her we appreciate. When it was my turn I cried. She wasn’t surprised at my emotional state (it...
by Ellen Stumbo | Disability, Down Syndrome
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Sandra People for Down syndrome awareness month, where she answered the question, “How has your sister with Down syndrome enriched your life?” In late December of 1977, a baby was born in a small town in...